你想帮助别人,但你需要先了解他们. Our addictions counseling courses are unique as we focus on simulated counseling sessions, 诊断评估, 小组咨询会议和治疗计划. 你将获得你所需要的基础, 通过实践技能和临床教育, 为了获得化学品依赖许可证或者继续读研究生.
The addictions counseling concentration provides hands-on skills and clinical education in problems of substance use, 滥用和依赖, 以及其他相关和共同发生的心理健康成瘾问题. Our program is designed to meet the educational requirements for Chemical Dependency Counselor licensure status, 以及成瘾咨询方面的国际认证标准.
作为这个项目的学生, you can complete an internship in the field and work on the 220 hours of practical experience in the 12 core areas that is required for licensure. 如果你做到了这一点,并完成了所有的必修课程, 你只需要在该领域有一年的工作经验,000 hours) to sit for the licensure exam in order to become licensed at the second highest level for chemical dependency counselors in Ohio. 这个领域唯一的高级执照需要硕士学位.
- Professors teaching in the program are licensed professionals with with experiences working in the mental health and/or addictions field.
- 在完成学位之前, you are eligible to apply for the Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant License (after taking CSL 310).
- 戒瘾咨询也是一个很有价值的辅修课程, adding an additional marketable skill/knowledge base to majors who might not practice as a counselor but might work with people facing addictions issues.
- 因为目前鸦片泛滥, there is a shortage of chemical dependency counselors and many of our students report being able to find jobs in the field even before graduation.
Most psychology programs are general psychology and students don’t graduate with the educational credentials to qualify for clinical licensure in the field. Our addictions counseling program is housed within a psychology major so that students obtain a well-rounded education in the psychology field as well as a specialization in addictions counseling.
The instructors who teach our courses are licensed professionals with experiences working in the mental health and/or addictions field. They are capable of sharing case examples and real-life stories about addiction and mental health and the impact of their work with clients. 你可以看到你在课堂上学到的东西是如何与这个领域相关的.
The course content and course learning outcomes for courses are aligned with the Ohio Chemical Dependency Board’s requirements for licensure. Completion of the required CSL courses will allow you to meet the educational requirements for licensure.
The addictions counseling program will equip you with the professional skills you’ll need to be an effective addictions counselor, including:
- 了解该领域的伦理原则
- Microskills /面试技巧
- 团体咨询技巧
- 评估和诊断技能
- 预防、干预和治疗技能
- 与家庭和夫妻一起工作的知识和技能
- Knowledge about various treatment modalities including Motivational Interviewing, CBT and MAT
- 文化意识和能力
You will gain a solid foundation in psychology and addictions counseling through an active, 实践教育. Professors teaching in the program are licensed professionals with work experience in the field. Teachings are not only based on textbooks but case examples and real-life experiences with clients.
- 参与小组工作.
- 参与大型小组讨论.
- 独立分析案例研究和作为一个类.
- 参与角色扮演.
- Participate in mock assessments and sessions playing both the role of the client and the counselor.
- Participate in mock group sessions, both as a group participant and as the group facilitator.
- 参加外部咨询设置.
- 与该领域的专业人士进行面谈.
在课程的最后一年,你将完成实地实习. You can choose an addictions counseling agency or setting where you can begin to work on the hours of practical experience in the 12 core areas that are required for licensure.
Courses & Format
- CSL310成瘾理论与实践概论
- CSL320成瘾和失调人群的咨询程序和策略
- CSL425小组过程和技术与成瘾和障碍人群工作
- 心理咨询中的文化能力
- CSL435评估 & 成瘾的诊断 & 行为健康问题
- CSL440成瘾的预防、干预和治疗计划
- 成瘾者关系咨询的理论与实践 & 行为健康
- 实习一
Total = 24 hours
这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. Consult the official Academic Bulletin for detailed registration and advising information.
成瘾理论与实践概论(CSL310) -本课程旨在探讨病因, 酗酒和其他成瘾的危险因素和治疗. Focus will include historical and research foundations with the understanding of the trans-disciplinary foundations of the substance abuse theory and professional practice.
成瘾和精神障碍人群的咨询程序和策略(CSL320) – This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and experience in therapeutic factors, techniques, 有效咨询的方法和基本技巧. Specific focus will include an introduction to the practice of individual counseling with the micro-skills approach (Ivey). Students will demonstrate competence with basic counseling theory and skills through simulated counseling sessions. Counseling skills and intervention strategies will be practiced through in-class exercises.
Group Process and Techniques Working with Addicted Populations and Disordered Populations (CSL425) – This course addresses the patterns and dynamics of groups in a treatment and growth process. 重点包括团体咨询, structure, types, stages, development, leadership, 治疗因素和群体对个体和更大系统的影响. Effective group facilitation skills and techniques used to address diversity issues and special population needs are addressed.
On Campus -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月
在俄亥俄州,化学药物依赖咨询师供不应求, 毕业后在该领域就业并获得执照的可能性很大.
- 成瘾或心理健康案例经理(门诊或住院)
- 收养机构
- 行为障碍咨询师
- 儿童发展专员
- 社区组织者
- 文化多样性的教练
- Drug & 戒酒康复中心
- 员工援助计划
- 寄养机构
- Graduate School
- 启智计划
- Hospice Centers
- 人力资源经理
- 国际组织
- 个人和团体化学依赖顾问(住院和门诊)
- 入院和评估工作人员(住院和门诊)
- 持牌化学品依赖顾问
- 婚姻家庭治疗师
- 精神卫生组织
- Nursing Homes
- 项目评估者
- 心理教育专家
- 休闲的治疗师
- 刑事司法与商业领域的研究与以人为本的工作(e).g. 人力资源)
- 集体之家的住宅经理
- 清醒生活和中途之家工作者
- 药物滥用顾问
- Bayshore
- Brainmaster Technologies, Inc.
- 克劳迪娅儿童护理公司.
- 社区费尔班克斯康复中心
- 危机短信热线
- Crosswaeh
- Firelands
- 汉考克县发展障碍委员会
- In Session
- 玛丽蒙特治疗中心
- Med1care, Ltd.
- Oriana House
- 顶峰治疗中心
- Private Practice
- 塞内卡县就业和家庭服务中心
- 帕克希德的森林
DownloadHave a Question?
Contact Us
蒂芬,OH 44883
At a Glance
- 实践技能和临床教育
- 符合CDCA执照状态的教育要求
- 教授都是有执照的、经验丰富的专业人士
- 要求专业实习
“There is always going to be a little doubt in any person’s mind when it comes to new things. But for me, I think proving people, who said I couldn’t do it, wrong is my biggest motivation. 对我来说再也没有什么是不可能的了. The world is constantly changing and I feel like I am much more capable of adapting to those changes now compared to when I was walking on to TU’s campus for the first time.”